Teachers' Day Celebrations 2010

Teachers' Day Celebrations 2010

ACS CrestStudents, parents and Old Boys rallied around on Teachers’ Day to pay tribute to our teachers, past and present.  Gestures of appreciation to the teachers who made a difference in our lives were demonstrated in various ways.

The ACS OBA organised a party which was attended by 70 retired principals, vice-principals, teachers and staff, while students and parents put in tremendous time and effort to honour the teachers in fun and entertaining ways.  Below are some of the highlights:  

ACJC Teachers Entertained by a Concert
ACJC Dancers

The students put up a Teachers’ Day Concert for the teachers. Performances included a graceful performance by the AC Dancers (above), the AC Choir (right) and an instrumental piece dedicated to the teachers (below).

A cake-ceremony led by Mrs Kelvyna Chan (bottom, left) was part of the celebrations.

The teachers also participated in a fun quiz (bottom, right).

harpist Teachers in game

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