A Reward Beyond Description

“A ‘must read’ for all educators and teachers”
– Prof S Gopinathan (Adjunct Professor, Lee Kuan Yew School
of Public Policy, National University of Singapore)

A Reward Beyond Description coverThe ACS fraternity was abuzz with anticipation when news broke out that the former ACS and ACS (Independent) teacher, Mrs Lee Gek Kim, was in town to launch her memoir as an educator for more than 50 years, A Reward Beyond Description.

When the Echo tracked her down for a chat over tea and asked what spurred her on to write her memoir, she revealed that it was really one of her Old Boys who prompted her to share her experiences as a teacher, and the joy she had in teaching which left her with a strong following of grateful and loyal past students.

In a nutshell, besides relating the many happy times and the occasional low points of her life as a teacher, “the book recaptures the many moments I shared with my students within and outside the classroom”, Mrs Lee said.

The book comprises four parts starting with “Flashback” where Mrs Lee recalls the memorable moments in her teaching career in ACS and ACS (Independent). This is followed by “50 years and still counting: My career” which reflects how she came to be in ACS as a Pre-University student and after her graduation returned to serve the school as an educator.

In part three, “Toward Effective Teaching”, Mrs Lee reveals the guiding principles in her life, her aims and goals as a teacher and what she considers to be the essentials of effective teaching.

Mrs Lee autographing at her book launchFinally, part four, “My Students and I” depicts the many happy interactions she had with her students from the time they were in school to the present day when each year they invite her to their reunions. Mrs Lee was indeed a caring mentor, motivator and friend and this is amply reflected in her students’ testimonies in this chapter.

Each chapter ends with a monochrome motif of a Peranakan flavour, symbolising the theme of the chapter.

When we asked Mrs Lee for any last words for our readers, she said, “I hope my memoir will encourage educators to carry on their noble profession to mould and help shape the young lives entrusted to their care. It is also my hope that those who are considering teaching as a career will find the teaching methods and strategies I shared both useful and inspiring”.

The book is available at Armour Publishing – sales@armourpublishing.com, enquiries@ armourpubishing.com as well as at Kinokuniya and Popular Book Stores.

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