Primary 6 F's 40th Anniversary
Primary 6 F
The way we were

The reunions featured in The ACS Echo are usually of cohorts from ACSS, ACS (Independent) or ACJC. Rarely does one read about a ACS (Primary) or ACS (Junior) class reunion.

Well, the ACS (Primary) 6F Class of 1973 is an exception.

The boys – and teachers - of Primary 6F * (1973) recently had their 40th anniversary union.

The Primary 6F class was in reality Primary 4A (’71)/5A (’72)/6F (’73) as the boys spent 3 years together and we had 2 remarkable form teachers during that time. Mrs Esther Foo taught us in Primary 4, and Ms Betty Ho nee Ng Kim Buan in Primary 5 and 6. Ms Ng had invited us for her church wedding in 1973, and many of us were there when she officially became Mrs Ho. She was a very thoughtful teacher; she even brought back souvenirs for us from her UK honeymoon! Perhaps that was the reason for the special bond of our 6F class.

Our first reunion was in 1993, and since then, we have had anniversary reunions every 10 years (and also a few more in between). Nearly all of the 45 ex-6Fers have attended at least 1 reunion.

Our 40th anniversary reunion was held at Chan Wang Kin’s beautiful new house in the Changi area on 17 August, and was attended by 28 boys (and a future ACS (Primary) boy, Wang Kin’s young son!) and of course our beloved teachers, Mrs Esther Foo and Mrs Betty Ho. Mr Khoo Boo Gay, who was our principal till Primary 5, had wanted to come, but could not make it as he was not well that day.

To mark this momentous occasion, many of the boys even came dressed in ACS uniforms. Everyone had a wonderful time and there and then, we had planned the next reunion – we are not waiting 10 more years - for 2 years’ time at the old Methodist Book Room (now Singapore Philatelic Museum) next to ACS (Primary).

Those who want to see more pictures of the reunion (and the earlier ones) can check out our Facebook page (click here).


Goh Kok Yeow


* Primary 6F was actually Primary 6A, PM session, but the school decided in 1973 to
   differentiate the morning and afternoon sessions, so our class became Primary 6F.  

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