Values in a Christian School

ACS (International) has a vision statement that speaks of “developing future leaders with international vision, moral character, intellectual ability and deep compassion for humanity based upon Christian belief and values.”

What are these ‘Christian values’? All the Methodist schools in which I have worked have stressed not only that Christian values were an essential foundation for the school, but also that the school’s aim was to instill them in their students. So we had better be clear what these values are.

At ACS (International) we have identified ten ‘values’ which, while they are not separately exclusive to Christians, taken together form something which is distinctively Christian.

Mutual acceptance – In Christian schools, there should be a ready acceptance of one another based on the belief that we are all God’s children, created and loved by him, whatever our ethnic, social or religious background. Students will be taught to respect one another.

Compassion – Following the teaching and example of Jesus, students will be encouraged to love their neighbour, recognizing the needs of individuals less fortunate than themselves and sacrificing their leisure time, and raising and giving money to provide positive and practical help.

Forgiveness – This is a central Christian value. Because God shows his forgiveness of us through the death of Jesus Christ, students will be taught to forgive one another, not to hold grudges and to offer the hand of friendship to those who wrong them.

Truth and Honesty – God requires nothing less than the whole truth and students will be taught to be open and honest in their dealings with one another, with teachers and with their parents.

Global Responsibility – This is God’s world and we his stewards. Students will be taught to work and pray for peace between the peoples of the world and for the protection of the environment.

Justice and equality – Since God makes no distinctions but treats all similarly and fairly, we will encourage students to treat everyone fairly, irrespective of age, gender, race or religion.

Humility – Students need to learn not to consider themselves better than others and to put the interests of others before their own.

Servant leadership in the world – Following the one who ‘came not to be served but to serve’, students should be challenged to give leadership in serving.

Integrity – Students should be taught the importance of living these values and not just giving them lip service.

Commitment and faith – Students should be taught that the vision and resolve to fulfil these values comes from a God-centred life.

I imagine many schools would concur with these values, except perhaps the last one. But what about values in the school itself? A Christian school will not only teach these values, but demonstrate them in the way it treats those within its community. There will, therefore, be no tolerance of racism or any other form of bullying. All people will be treated with kindness and understanding. Schools will be forgiving. That doesn’t mean ignoring wrong doing, but looking beyond people’s faults, and, where it is genuinely sought, giving a second chance. Schools will be open and honest with students and staff as well as with parents. Schools will be ‘green’ communities, avoiding waste and recycling when possible. Schools will treat people fairly, and administer discipline impartially. Those in positions of responsibility will be humble and see themselves as servants of the community. There will be a harmony of belief and action. And above all, there will be a conscious attempt to place God at the centre of the schools' life.

As we have explored these values this year, we have tried to make them fully part of the school’s lif'e

Rev Dr John CA Barrett
Principal, ACS (International)

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